The coding masterpiece: a framework for the formal pathways and processes of health classification

The Health Information Management Association of Australia Limited
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Price, Emily and Robinson, Kerin 2011, 'The coding masterpiece: a framework for the formal pathways and processes of health classification', Health Information Management Journal 2005, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 14-20.
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This article empirically defines the formal pathways and processes that enable and frame hospital clinical classification in an activity-based funding environment. These structured actions include: learning and training; abstracting; clinical knowledge locating and confirming; coder-doctor communication; coder-coder communication; the complicated sub-set of code searching and decision-making processes that constitute practical clinical `coding?; allocation to diagnosis-related groups; confirmation of financial reimbursement; auditing; and quality management practices to ensure the integrity of the multiple outputs and outcomes of clinical coding. An analogy of these complex, exacting, and knowledge-dense work practices is made with the 20th century avant-garde art movement of Cubism: the creation of Pablo Picasso?s The three musicians is used as a metaphor for clinical/health classification work.
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