Three dimensional numerical simulation to predict performance of laterally loaded piles on clay-sand layered slope

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
GeoMontreal2013, 2013, pp. 1 - 6
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Predicting the deformation of the laterally loaded piles constructed on a slope is one of the challenging issues in foundation engineering. Numerical modelling is an efficient method to investigate the effects of the distance from the pile centreline to the slope crest on the performance of laterally loaded piles considering the shear plastic deformations of the ground. In this paper, finite element software, ABAQUS, has been employed to simulate the performance of some piles subjected to lateral loads in the sloping ground including sand and clay layers. Appropriate subroutines have been adopted to simulate the soil-pile interface, capable of incorporating the gapping and sliding in the soil-pile interfaces for both sand and clay layers. The numerical results are used to predict the lateral load-deformation of piles for various cases and validated through comparison with an array of full scale field measurements.
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