Reporting a world in conflict

UTS ePress
Publication Type:
Challenge and Change: Reassessing Journalism's Global Future, 2013, 1st, pp. 76 - 106
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Globalization has many faces, from marketing to warfare, but underlying all of its diverse realisations has been the dramatic growth of the media, and its permeation into every aspect of society. In the interconnected world, information is digitized to the point where the media has become the touchstone of human intercourse, from personal affairs to global commerce, the means by which the world now operates - whether locally, nationally and transnationally. The spreading use of English as the global language has accelerated the trend, while the dramatically reduced cost of telecommunications has created an unprecedented flow of data, information and knowledge to every corner of the globe. Yet this `great leap forward also has its downside: increasingly, the flow of news - and differing perspectives on the news - is being processed and compressed through monolithic media companies, creating an `homogenization effect where uniformity is increasingly demanded, and diversity is gradually lost.
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