Latecomers: Charting a course for the New England Australia wine region

Australian and New Zealand Regional Science Association
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Australian Journal of Regional Studies, 2011, 17 (3), pp. 300 - 329
Issue Date:
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The Australian wine industry is currently experiencing a correction, ostensibly a victim of its own success. Some observers have concluded that prospects for the industry in the medium- to long-term are strong. However, a consortium of peak industry organizations recently called for more radical approaches to industry restructuring to protect its core viability. Against these uncertain prospects, this paper adopts a multidisciplinary approach to analyse the prospects for one of Australias newest wine regions, New England Australia. We argue that despite the barriers to its development, a commercially sound course can be charted for New England Australia. This course is based on a regional strategic alliance featuring leadership, improved inter-industry cooperation, niche marketing and a branding strategy focused on what is unique to the region.
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