Introduction to this special issue on designing for personal memories: Past, present, and future

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Human-Computer Interaction, 2012, 27 (1-2), pp. 1 - 12
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New uses of digital media are discussed and various important research challenges that must be addressed by future work are identified. This abundance of digital media means that people are now required to organize their personal data, since there is a lack of useful commercial products doing it for them. New technologies to assist organization and retrieval include techniques for tagging photos, automatic methods for indexing using face or object recognition and different interactive retrieval interfaces. SteveWhittaker et. al. provide an overview of studies into lifelogging and highlight that personal digital media should be designed to be more salient, through augmentation or embodiment, so that they more closely resemble physical media. Masashi Crete-Nishihata et. al. found that biographies and significant life events can be represented using multiple media types and follow many different storylines, depending on who creates them and their intended audience.
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