Improvisation in project management: A praxeology

Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Journal of Project Management, 2015, 33 (2), pp. 267 - 277
Issue Date:
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© 2014 Elsevier Ltd and International Project Management Association. Project management is complex and therefore a fruitful ground for creative, spontaneous and intuitive applications of particular theories to meet the stated objectives in a constantly changing environment. This form of work is defined as improvisation, which describes a pragmatic approach of applying existing theories in novel ways to deliver a successful project. The combination of a solid theoretical knowledge base and improvisational practices is our approach to conceptualise a praxeology of resilient project management. A praxeological mindset is well suited to improve our current understanding of project management towards a more resilient meta-theory of project management that is able to address complexity. This paper contributes to the current debates in project management, as it develops a foundation for bridging theory and practice. Providing sound, practice-related theories stimulates fruitful debate between the various professions of the project-management community, which will help the field to further mature and grow.
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