Characteristic Analysis of Roll and Pitch Independently Controlled Hydraulically Interconnected Suspension

Publication Type:
Journal Article
SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles, 2014, 7 (1), pp. 170 - 176
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This paper presents the modeling and characteristic analysis of roll-plane and pitch-plane combined Hydraulically Interconnected Suspension (HIS) system. Vehicle dynamic analysis is carried out with four different configurations for comparison. They are: 1) vehicle with spring-damper only, 2) vehicle with roll-plane HIS, 3) vehicle with pitch-plane HIS and 4) vehicle with roll and pitch combined HIS. The modal analysis shows the unique modes-decoupling property of HIS system. The roll-plane HIS increases roll stiffness only without affecting other modes, and similarly pitch-plane HIS increases the pitch stiffness only with minimum influence on other modes. When roll and pitch plane HIS are integrated, the vehicle ride comfort and handling stability can be improved simultaneously without compromise. A detailed analysis and discussion of the results are provided to conclude the paper. Copyright © 2014 SAE International.
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