The Analysis of Police Crisis Negotiations: Important Interactional Features

International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse Press, Academic Scholars Publishing House
Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Journal of Law, Language and Discourse (IJLLD), 2012, 2 (3), pp. 1 - 24 (24)
Issue Date:
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In recent years understandings of the interactional features of police crisis negotiations have developed through approaches which have built on and developed the precursor bargaining and expressive models of crisis negotiations. This paper draws upon this more interactional interpretation of police crisis negotiations by highlighting and discussing their main features: the use of active listening to build rapport with a person of interest (POI), the discourse staging of the negotiation (critical moments), and the role that features of the context before and during the incident can play in the language choices made by the negotiator in interaction with the POI. These interactional features are illustrated via extracts from a police crisis negotiation in Australia, and suggestions for further research are provided.
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