What does enhanced learning through computer-based technologies actually look like?

Australian Association for Research in Education
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Hayes, D. and Yates, L. 2002 'What does enhanced learning through computer-based technologies actually look like?', AARE 2002 International Education Research Conference, Australian Association for Research in Education, Brisbane, Australia, pp. CD-NA.
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A multi disciplinary interagency team is currently undertaking research in NSW government schools funded by the Australian Research Council through the Strategic Partnership with Industry - Research and Training Scheme (SPIRT). In this paper we outline the early stage problems associated with researching the question: what does enhanced learning through computer-based technology actually look like? We argue that many "commonsenses" have come to be associated the integration of computerbased technologies in schools. At the core of these is a pervasive belief that technology will improve learning. Our efforts to pin down the purpose of our research have been made more difficult by the fact that we are trying to get at good practice, in a context that is changing. We outline three changing sets of practices in which this is true and important for our project and for thinking about technology and schools. These practices relate to how technology functions in schools, what counts as knowledge and is valued as performance, and how new subjectivities and relationships mediated by technology.
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