Experimental study of a roll-plane hydraulically interconnected suspension system under vehicle articulation mode

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2013, 13
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This paper presents a detailed experimental study to quantitatively assess the performance of a roll-plane Hydraulically Interconnected Suspension (HIS) system in articulation (warp) mode. This mode is critical for better offroad vehicle handling, particularly in utility vehicles. Articulation of a four-wheel vehicle describes the in-phase motion of two diagonally opposed wheels, with adjacent wheels moving out of phase. The widely used anti-roll bars, required for increased roll resistance, also stiffen the articulation mode, which may result in one or more wheels losing ground contact on uneven surfaces, compromising vehicle stability and safety. Yet rollplane HIS systems are capable of decoupling vehicle roll from articulation. A comparative experimental analysis of HIS and conventional anti-roll bars has been conducted to evaluate vehicle dynamic performance at full-car level under articulation excitation. Test results demonstrate that the HIS system has a negligible effect on wheel travel in articulation mode, offering a significant improvement in vehicle handling and safety over conventional anti-roll bars. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.
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