Numerical study of performance of a torque converter employing a power-law fluid

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the 18th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2012, 2012
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Torque converter (TC) is a totally enclosed hydrodynamic turbomachine, used most often in automobiles for the smooth transmission of power and speed change from the engine to the transmission, and torque magnification. A typical TC has 3 major components: a pump that is attached directly to the TC cover and connected to the engine shaft, a turbine connected to the transmission shaft, and a stator connected to the transmission housing via a one-way clutch and providing guidance for the fluid flow. In this work, performance of a TC employing a power-law fluid is investigated numerically, using a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software package. The standard k-epsilon turbulence model is used. A power-law fluid whose zero-shear properties correspond to an industrial oil is used for the working fluid. It is found that as the power-law index increases so that the fluid behaviour varies from being shearthinning through Newtonian to shear-thickening, both efficiency and torque ratio decrease slightly. Also, the change is more pronounced at lower speed ratio.
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