The Role of Musical Features in the Perception of Initial Emotion

Queen Mary University of London
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Computer Music Modelling and Retrieval, 2012, pp. 136 - 143
Issue Date:
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170 participants were played short excerpts of orchestral music and instructed to move a mouse cursor as quickly as possible to one of six faces that best corresponded to the emotion they thought the music expressed. Excerpts were analysed and the musical cues coded. Relationships between the number of cues and participantsâ response times were investigated and reported. No relationship between the number of cues available to the listener and the speed of response was found. Findings suggest that the initial response to ecologically plausible musical excerpts is quite complex, and requires further investigation to provide emotion-retrieval models of music with psychologically driven data
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