Super Border

Gimpel Fils London
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Super Border
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Super Border is a series of photographic images taken along the route of the new 300 million euro Integrated External Vigilance System, a new surveillance system located along the southern Mediterranean coast and designed to curb illegal immigration into Europe. Stewart took photographs of sites along this coastline that included both heavy industry and tourism. The idea was to look at how the new surveillance system had been embedded within the fabric of the everyday and how these sites are no longer thought of as extraordinary. Aspects of Super Border have also been featured in the book The Critical Dictionary, published by Black Dog London in 2011 (ISBN 978-1907317491), published as a ten-page spread in the UK's primary art photography magazine Source Photographic Review issue 56 in the Autumn of 2008 and in 2012 featured in the international f/stop Fotografie Festival in Leipzig, Germany whose overall title was The History of Now. f/stop also published a substantial catalogue that included Super Border alongside other internationally renowned photographic practitioners such as Chanarin and Broomberg (winners of the 2013 Deutsche Börse Photography Prize).
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