Alternative primary sources for studying Australian television history : an annotated list of online private collections

ScreenSound Australia, LaTrobe University
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Screening the past, 2011, 32 pp. 1 - 14
Issue Date:
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It is possible to write many different histories of Australian television, and these different histories draw on different primary sources. The ABC of Drama, for example, draws on the ABC Document Archives (Jacka 1991). Most of the information for Images and Industry: Television Drama Production in Australia is taken from original interviews with television production staff (Moran 1985). Ending the Affair, as well as archival work, draws on over ten years of watching Australian television current affairs (Turner 2005, xiii). Albert Morans Guide to Australian TV Series draws exhaustively on extant archives: the ABC Document Archives, material sourced through the ABC Drama department, the Australian Film Commission, the library of the Australian Film, Television and Radio School, and the Australian Film Institute (Moran 1993, xi). In fact, the histories we can write depend in part on the resourcesboth primary and secondaryto which we have access. Archiving practices affect and produce the kinds of histories that can be written (Mosely and Wheatley 2008, 153). An important part of the process of media history is identifying, and making visible to other scholars, the archival resources that are available. In many cases these are institutionally-housed and clearly delineated (see for example Roessner 2009). But other forms of archive exist.
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