Stable models in generalized possibilistic logic

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, 2012, pp. 519 - 529
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Possibilistic logic is a well-known logic for reasoning under uncertainty, which is based on the idea that the epistemic state of an agent can be modeled by assigning to each possible world a degree of possibility, taken from a totally ordered, but essentially qualitative scale. Recently, a generalization has been proposed that extends possibilistic logic to a meta-epistemic logic, endowing it with the capability of reasoning about epistemic states, rather than merely constraining them. In this paper, we further develop this generalized possi-bilistic logic (GPL). We introduce an axiomatization showing that GPL is a fragment of a graded version of the modal logic KD, and we prove soundness and completeness w.r.t. a semantics in terms of possibility distributions. Next, we reveal a close link between the well-known stable model semantics for logic programming and the notion of minimally specific models in GPL. More generally, we analyze the relationship between the equilibrium logic of Pearce and GPL, showing that GPL can essentially be seen as a generalization of equilibrium logic, although its notion of minimal specificity is slightly more demanding than the notion of minimality underlying equilibrium logic. Copyright © 2012, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
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