Interpreting robot pointing behavior

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2013, 8239 LNAI pp. 148 - 159
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The ability to draw other agents' attention to objects and events is an important skill on the critical path to effective human-robot collaboration. People use the act of pointing to draw other people's attention to objects and events for a wide range of purposes. While there is significant work that aims to understand people's pointing behavior, there is little work analyzing how people interpret robot pointing. Since robots have a wide range of physical bodies and cognitive architectures, interpreting pointing will be determined by a specific robot's morphology and behavior. Humanoids and robots whose heads, torso and arms resemble humans that point may be easier for people to interpret, however if such robots have different perceptual capabilities to people then misinterpretation may occur. In this paper we investigate how ordinary people interpret the pointing behavior of a leading state-of-the-art service robot that has been designed to work closely with people. We tested three hypotheses about how robot pointing is interpreted. The most surprising finding was that the direction and pitch of the robot's head was important in some conditions. © Springer International Publishing 2013.
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