Qualitative integrals and desintegrals as lower and upper possibilistic expectations

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
8th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, EUSFLAT 2013 - Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, 2013, 32 pp. 318 - 325
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Any capacity (i.e., an increasing set function) has been proved to be a lower possibility measure and an upper necessity measure. Similarly, it is shown that any anti-capacity (i.e., a decreasing set function) can be viewed both as an upper guaranteed possibility measure and as a lower weak necessity measure. These results are the basis for establishing that qualitative integrals (including Sugeno integrals) are lower and /or upper possibilistic expectations wrt a possibility measure, while qualitative desintegrals are upper or lower possibilistic expectations wrt a guaranteed possibility measure. The results are presented in a finite qualitative setting, and apply to multiple criteria aggregation or decision under uncertainty. © 2013. The authors-Published by Atlantis Press.
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