Approaches used by cross-cultural and cross-discipline students in teamwork for a first-year course in web design

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, 2010, 103 pp. 87 - 96
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Cross-cultural and cross-discipline teams are commonplace in ICT global work projects, an area where students in an IT program may head. This paper presents preliminary research that is concerned with outcomes from an intervention strategy designed to help students identify and address cross-cultural and crossdisciplinary team issues while undertaking a series of team-based assessment tasks in a web design course. Students were asked to complete an online questionnaire three times over the semester to rate attributes for communication, task management, relationships, and cultural dimensions as a means of self-assessing their approach to teamwork. Using the data collected from the three surveys, a quantitative evaluation was conducted. This paper presents a preliminary result from this analysis and also discusses future research directions. © 2010, Australian Computer Society, Inc.
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