Computational analysis, biochemical purification, and detection of tRNA-derived small RNA fragments

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2014, 1173 pp. 157 - 167
Issue Date:
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© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014. The rapidly growing list of small RNA species generated by next-generation sequencing technologies has accelerated the development of new bioinformatics tools for their detection. Small RNAs generated from tRNAs, transfer RNA-derived fragments (tRFs), represent a novel challenge in accurately identifying and distinguishing them from random degradation products of tRNAs. Here, we describe a bioinformatics approach to detect tRFs in next-generation sequencing libraries. We also present a biochemical purification protocol for enriching 5′ tRFs and separating them from miRNAs. And finally, we suggest reliable methods for detecting and quantifying tRFs.
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