A comparison of Project Manager and Change Manager involvement in organisational change project activities and stages

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Modern Project Management, 2014, 2 (2), pp. 8 - 17
Issue Date:
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Project Managers and Change Managers both contribute to the planning and execution of organisational change projects. However, it is not clear how these disciplines should work together to deliver these projects. This research examined how Project Managers and Change Managers regard the contribution of both disciplines to different project stages and activities. Activities that uncontentiously fit within the domain of one discipline or the other were identified, allowing for the development of an activity-based comparative identity for these disciplines. Also identified were the activities and stages that were the subject of significant disagreement between the disciplines. Such activities are the likely sources of conflict between the disciplines, both in terms of abstract disciplinary boundary and workplace responsibility division. This research will be of value to Project Managers and Change Managers, by helping to identify potential areas of conflict, and developing a greater understanding of how both disciplines regard the other.
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