The Inclusion of Professional Ethics in the Course Curriculum Design for Property Agents

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
IATED, 2014, 2014 (Conference Proceedings), pp. 4219 - 4226 (8)
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Professional ethics is considered to be a key component within the daily activities of all businesses, and in particular a real estate agency practice. During the last 100 years, regulatory policy has been developed to exemplify the standards for social responsibility and ethical behaviour within the property industry. However, documented increases in fraud indicate a lack of moral behavior within the profession and a clear need to enhance consumer protection. Therefore, is there a necessity to include a separate subject for professional ethics within the course curriculum for property agents; or is the integration of ethics within nominated subjects, a sufficient approach for the student to grasp the key learning outcomes associated with professional ethical practice? This research paper examines the design of the real estate licensing curriculum in Australia and the relevance and flexibility of the subjects included. Additionally, the method of assessment, which is primarily competency based learning, is discussed and mapped against suggested applications of ethics. The paper concludes with recommendations on best practice approaches to enhance the curriculum and learning outcomes for property agents.
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