Do we need to handle every temporal violation in scientific workflow systems?

Publication Type:
Journal Article
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2014, 23 (1)
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Scientific processes are usually time constrained with overall deadlines and local milestones. In scientific workflow systems, due to the dynamic nature of the underlying computing infrastructures such as grid and cloud, execution delays often take place and result in a large number of temporal violations. Temporal violation handling is to execute violation handling strategies which can compensate for the occurring time deficit but would impose some additional cost. Generally speaking, the two fundamental requirements for delivering satisfactory temporal QoS in scientific workflow systems are temporal conformance and cost effectiveness. Every task for workflow temporal management incurs some cost. Take a single temporal violation handling as an example, its cost can be primarily referred to monetary costs and time overheads of violation handling strategies which are normally nontrivial in scientific workflow systems.
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