Submission on the AusLink Green Paper

Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS
Publication Type:
2003, pp. 1 - 7
Issue Date:
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The AusLink Green Paper provides this government with a unique opportunity to make progress toward more sustainable transport and ISF is pleased to contribute to the process both through this submission and by providing research support if requested. In summary, AusLink is a necessary step for this government to take but falls short of our expectations. Without successfully embracing integration (Recommendation 1) neither efficiency nor environmental gains are likely to be realised. These can only be achieved by assessing all modal options equally, based on efficiency (Recommendation 2). This assessment must consider the total cost to the community, which can be facilitated using a Least Cost Planning framework (Recommendation 3). As it stands, AusLink seeks solutions to a doubling of the total freight task by 2020. On the contrary, this type of forward planning is the perfect opportunity to overtly commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from freight transport (Recommendation 4) and deliberately seek to prevent the total freight transport task from doubling Recommendation 5 by using integrated transport and land use planning and by employing transport demand management. The Green Paper identifies that road transport still handles 72percent of freight in tonnes and 37percent of the freight task in tonne-kilometres, carrying in particular significant amounts of priority delivery items and yet the document does not express targets for changing this modal share Recommendation 6. Visions for the future of freight, and indeed transport in Australia, need to be developed with the engagement of the community Recommendation 7. Submissions to a Green Paper are not sufficient in this regard and ISF looks forward to the next round of consultation and the revised documentation.
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