Woollahra Sustainability Plan

Institute for Sustainable Futures
Publication Type:
2005, pp. 1 - 106
Issue Date:
Full metadata record
Woollahra Municipal Council (WMC) is currently undertaking a process to develop the Woollahra Sustainability Plan (WSP). The purpose of the WSP is to provide a long-term and integrated approach to planning for a sustainable community in the Woollahra local government area. The WSP will identify a long-term community derived vision with associated actions to achieve more sustainable practices in Council's function areas and activities, in addition to enabling planning of a more sustainability-focused community. The vision and actions in the WSP will embody the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD). The WSP development process is being undertaken in three stages. The first is a background stage consisting of audit and gap analysis activities, the second (the subject of this report) is a community visioning and issues stage, and the third will consist of the development of an action plan. The Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) was engaged to undertake visioning and issues consultation for Stage 2. Objectives for Stage 2 include the following: to inform and involve the community in the preparation of the WSP to build strong partnerships between Council and the community to identify a community derived, long term vision for the future of Woollahra to identify sustainability related issues for Council to address in its Sustainability Plan, including social, economic and environmental issues to involve a range of people in the project including the youth, children, seniors and families and to employ a range of consultation methods and techniques to engage the community and gain the necessary community input and participation in the project.
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