Directions Report

Institute for Sustainable Futures
Publication Type:
2006, pp. 1 - 23
Issue Date:
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The Natural Resources Advisory Council of NSW (NRAC) has commissioned the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) to prepare a discussion paper to synthesise the key learnings and conclusions of previous work, and identify emerging opportunities for increased urban water conservation and recycling in coastal NSW. The objective of the project is to create a Discussion Paper which explores the issues, opportunities and constraints for increased urban water conservation and recycling in coastal NSW. This will focus discussion on the steps various stakeholders can take to deliver or encourage water conservation outcomes and ensure a more sustainable water future in the urban context; and will be suitable for use in stakeholder dialogue on this significant and increasingly urgent question. The objective is to inform current discussions about urban water provision in the coastal communities of NSW and increase awareness of the options available to Government and communities up and down the coast. In order to capture the range of situations and the variety opportunities that exist, the discussion paper will specifically explore three regional case studies. This Directions Report describes progress on the project to date, and is submitted in week 3 of the project schedule. It contains an overview of the method being used to create the Discussion Paper, a draft analysis of the dimensions of the issue, a draft list of actors and influencers, and an outline of the regional focus to be taken. It also contains information about the communications objectives for the Discussion Paper and how these will be met, as well as a list of resources - key sources of information that will be used in this research. This Report also aims to inform a Workshop with the project team and NRAC staff and members planned for the 20th of July 2006. To this end various points for discussion are highlighted below.
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