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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-02-231. R. Matulionyte, J. Rawlings, N.P. Stoianoff, 2022, Australian Society for Computers and Law (AUSCL) Submission to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications regarding Copyright Amendment (Access Reform) Bill 2021, 23 February 2022, 1-7.Stoianoff, N; Matulionyte, R
2016-062. N.P. Stoianoff, J. McCann, J. Rawlings, G. Wilkinson, E. Wright, T. Catanzariti, 2016, Submission on behalf of the Intellectual Property Program Educators and Researchers, Faculty of Law UTS to The Productivity Commission regarding Intellectual Property Arrangements Draft Report April 2016, June 2016, 1-24.Rawlings, J; Stoianoff, N; McCann, J; Wilkinson, G; Wright, E; Cantanzariti, T
2016-063. N. P. Stoianoff, E.Wright, J.McCann, J. Rawlings, T. Catanzariti and M. Evers, 2016, Submission on behalf of the Intellectual Property Program Educators and Researchers Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney to IP Australia regarding Exposure Draft regulations for the Trans-Tasman Patent Attorney Regime, June 2016.Rawlings, J; Stoianoff, N; McCann, J; Catanaziti, T; Evers, M
2021-04-2130 years on: Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody recommendations remain unimplementedAnthony, T; Williams, M; Jordan, K; Walsh, T; Markham, F
2018-10-3047. Submission to Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 2018Hobbs, H
2024-03-07A New Aged Care Act: A Submission on the Aged Care Bill 2023 Exposure Draft and Consultation Paper No. 2Tsihlis, E; Woods, M; Ries, N; Somes, T; Parker, D; Debono, D; Carnemolla, P; Schofield-Georgeson, E
2023-09-09A New Aged Care Act: A Submission on the Foundations of the New Aged Care Act Consultation Paper No.1Tsihlis, E; Lin, J; Woods, M; Sutton, N; Debono, D; Carnemolla, P; Lorber-Kasunic, J; Brown, D; Ries, N; Parker, D; Tsihlis, E
2012Addressing the "crime Problem" of the Northern Territory Intervention: Alternate pathways to regulate minor driving offences in remote Indigenous communitiesAnthony, T; Blagg, H
2010-01Age Discrimination - exposing the hidden barrier for mature age workersSaratChandran, P; O'Connell, K; Rosenman, E
2024-06-20All Work, No Pay: Improving the legal system so migrants can get the wages they are owedHemingway, C; Yeh, F; Berg, L; Farbenblum, B
2013-06-24Anti-Slavery Australia submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into Slavery, Slavery-like Conditions and People Trafficking.Burn, JM
2012-10-24Anti-Slavery Australia submission to the NSW Community Relations Commission Inquiry into the Exploitation of Women through Trafficking.Burn, JM
2014-09-02Anti-Slavery Australia submission to the Senate Legal Affairs Committee Inquiry into the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Psychoactive Substances and Other Measures) Bill 2014Burn, JM
2013-06-26Anti-Slavery Australia submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into Crimes Legislation Amendment (Law Enforcement Integrity, Vulnerable Witness Protection and Other Measures) Bill 2013Burn, JM
2012-09-13Anti-Slavery Australia submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into Crimes Legislation Amendment (Slavery, Slavery-like Conditions and People Trafficking) Bill 2012Burn, JM
2014-03-18Anti-Slavery Australia submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into Migration Amendment (Regaining Control over Australia’s Protection Obligations) Bill 2013Burn, JM
2023-02-09Applying the Rule of Law in Automated Decision Systems through Rules as CodeMowbray, A; Chung, P; Greenleaf, G
2015-02-15Arctic Human Development Report. Regional Processes and Global Linkages.Larsen, JN; Fondahl, G
2006-01Areas of Federal Law that Exclude Same Sex Couples and FamiliesMillbank, J
2020-09-17As If We Weren't Humans: The Abandonment of Temporary Migrants in Australia during COVID-19Berg, L; Farbenblum, B