Measuring sustainability performance of local food production in home gardens

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Local Environment, 2014, 19 (1), pp. 33 - 55
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The growing interests in "local food" in recent years in public discussions, research and practice highlight its significant importance as a part of overall food system. This research compares spatially local food production potential of home gardens in nine residential neighbourhood case studies with varying physical densities at a local scale using geographic information systems and mathematical methods. This paper develops a "local food energy model" for measuring sustainability potential of growing local food mainly vegetables in the home gardens. The outcomes indicate that potential of the home gardens in supplying vegetables demand as a share of total dietary energy would depend on the morphological characteristics of urban forms, total resident population, total food demand and other related factors. Local food production in the home gardens could meaningfully contribute towards building a sustainable food future. © 2012 Taylor & Francis.
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