Comparison of nanofiltration with flocculation - microfiltration - photocatalysis hybrid system in dissolved organic matter removal

Filtration Society
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Filtration: International Journal for Filtration and Separation, 2005, July pp. 215 - 221
Issue Date:
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In this research, a NTR 729HF nanofiltration (NF) membrane was employed to remove synthetic organic matter (SOM) from wastewater. NF alone led to a removal of 92.4% of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The performance of NF was compared with that of a microfiltration (MF) hybrid system consisting of FeCl3 flocculation, MF and photocatalysis. Flocculation and microfiltration followed by photocatalysis led to more than 96% dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal. A detailed molecular weight (MW) distribution study of organic matter indicated that the photocatalysis initially breaks the large MW organics and then the small MW organics were removed by a photoreactor process. Flocculation with an optimum dose of FeCl3 (68 mg/L as FeCl3) gave rise to the highest removal of organics including small MW organics. The small MW organics remaining after the treatment of flocculation could successfully be removed by photocatalysis.
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