Pathways to One Water: A guide for institutional innovation

Water Environment Research Foundation
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The primary audiences for this guide are urban water professionals and local government leaders. However, this guide is also targeted at urban planners, academics, developers, architects, regulators, funding agencies and nongovernmental organizations, as well as the building and infrastructure trades. All of these groups will need to be engaged to truly achieve a One Water outcome. The guide includes: ■ A description of how cities are moving into a new generation of infrastructure ■ An introduction to One Water and a summary of the key institutional challenges in moving to this approach ■ Key elements of institutions that have embraced a One Water approach ■ Case study snapshots of innovative initiatives taken by organizations ■ Examples of institutional change at the regional, city and utility level ■ Finally, how an individual, an organization or an association might take action or influence change toward a One Water approach
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