Integral Admittance Shaping for Exoskeleton Control

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proccedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015, pp. 5641 - 5648 (8)
Issue Date:
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A wide variety of strategies have been developed for assisting human locomotion using powered exoskeletons. Although these strategies differ in their aims as well as the control methods employed, they have the implicit property of causing a virtual modification of the dynamic response of the human limb. We use this property of the exoskeletons action to formulate a unified control design framework called Integral Admittance Shaping, which designs exoskeleton controllers capable of producing the desired dynamic response for the assisted limb. In this framework, a virtual increase in the admittance of the limb is produced by coupling it to an exoskeleton that exhibits active behavior. Specifically, our framework shapes the magnitude profile of the integral admittance (i.e. torque-to-angle relationship) of the coupled human-exoskeleton system, such that the desired assistance is achieved. This framework also ensures that the coupled stability and passivity are guaranteed. This paper presents a formulation of Integral Admittance Shaping for single degree-of-freedom (1-DOF) exoskeleton devices. We also present experimental results on a modified version of Honda’s Stride Management Assist (SMA) device that successfully demonstrate motion amplification of the assisted hip joint during walking.
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