Choreography in the mapping of new instruments

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
C and C 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 2015, pp. 161 - 164
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This paper discusses the use of choreography in mapping sound to movement in the field of new instrument design. Using the analogy of the drum kit player utilising all four limbs in a similar fashion to a dancer, we investigate the notion of mapping movement to prerecorded sound in that order, as opposed to sound mapped to movement. In this way the mapping process becomes a type of 'choreography', where a particular piece of music is learnt to be played as the mapping is determined. We outline three main factors which must be balanced within the mapping process. We present findings from the development of a new gestural interface for electronic percussionists and several collaborations that this interface has been used in.
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