Use of Design Thinking: A step towards fostering creativity and innovation in a teaching environment

Academic Conference and Publishing International Ltd
Publication Type:
The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Awards 2015, 2015, pp. 149 - 162 (14)
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Students are the future leaders and workforce of successful business organisations. Emulating real work experience at an undergraduate level class environment helps students prepare and understand well in Management and Information Systems (IS) subjects. Adopting design thinking methods in a classroom setting gives students an opportunity to design and emulate a work system resulting in better outcomes for them. As students work on the project created by themselves, it acts as a catalyst for their continuous development to achieve exemplary goals. With proper guidance, a learning platform and facilitation, students use their meta-cognitive skills to accomplish optimum results. We have used an ideation tool to facilitate and foster their potential in designing the learning and collaborative system. Additionally, giving exposure to and fostering a ‘start-up culture’ and establishing equivalent ‘innovation day’ strategies adopted by big organisations also pushes students learning boundaries, thus motivating them to attain monumental milestone. This case study discusses the methodology adopted, tool used and environment fostered in the class. It also evaluates the results from the adoption of this learning platform during previous semesters. Students with entrepreneurship aptitude and vision have appreciated these new learning methods as a positive re-enforcement of learning.
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