Dynamic test-sensitive decision trees with multiple cost scales

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 2005, 3613 (PART I), pp. 402 - 405
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Previous work considering both test and misclassification costs rely on the assumption that the test cost and the misclassification cost must be defined on the same cost scale. However, it can be difficult to define the multiple costs on the same cost scale. In our previous work, a novel yet efficient approach for involving multiple cost scales is proposed. Specifically speaking, we first introduce a new test-sensitive decision tree with two kinds of cost scales, that minimizes the one kind of cost and control the other in a given specific budget. In this paper, a dynamic test strategy with known information utilization and global resource control is proposed to keep the minimization of overall target cost. Our work will be useful in many urgent diagnostic tasks involving target cost minimization and resource consumption for obtaining missing information. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.
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