Managing online identity and diverse social networks on Facebook

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Webology, 2013, 10 (2)
Issue Date:
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© 2013, Kirsty Young. This paper reports research that examined use of Facebook to (consciously or unconsciously) create an online identity. An online survey (N=752) was conducted during Phase 1 of the research. Results of Phase 1 informed Phase 2 where 18 active Facebook users (aged 21-57) engaged in interviews and verbal protocols. The qualitative component is reported here to give voice to active Facebook users and provide insights into the decisions that underpin their use of the Facebook site. The tools used by participants to create an online identity (or make judgments about others) are explored and include status updates, posting photographs and joining groups/pages. Data revealed adult users successfully manage their online identity and provide effective models for adolescents, particularly in relation to the management of diverse social networks where social, family and professional lives merge online.
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