iCARE: an Integrated Translational Model of Effective Clinical Handover Communication

De Gruyter Mouton
Publication Type:
Effective Communication in Clinical Handover from Research to Practice, 2016, pp. 295 - 323
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Our final example of a handover event brings together many of the challenges with clinical handover identified in earlier chapters. Early one weekday evening, Sartaj1, a tall, strong man who speaks English as a second language, brought his wife Indira to hospital B’s emergency department. Indira was 33-weeks pregnant and had suffered a miscarriage in the past. The couple were of Indian background. Sartaj told the triage nurse that Indira was complaining of nausea and vomiting and had headaches. Sartaj explained that he had taken Indira to the other major public hospital in the city earlier in the day, but that she had been discharged home after a few hours in their emergency department. Several hours later, hospital B’s emergency department night registrar examined Indira. He found her unwell – still nauseous and complaining of severe headaches. He was unable to reach a diagnosis but wanted to admit Indira for observation and tests. However, no beds were available in the antenatal ward. He made several phone calls to consultants and other wards, looking for a bed where Indira could be cared for while she waited for a bed in antenatal. At around 3 am Indira was admitted to Ward M, the hospital’s general medical ward, where she stayed for 10 hours before being transferred to a bed in the antenatal ward. Throughout her admission and handover, Indira was accompanied by Sartaj. With the consent of Sartaj and Indira, an ECCHo researcher observed and audiorecorded the transfer from Ward M to the antenatal ward.
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