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Measure is an exhibition of newly commissioned drawings by 32 international architects presenting 32 edifices of thought. Drawings are of Storefront for Art and Architecture’s gallery space on 97 Kenmare Street in New York. Architectural representation, which draws upon the diagram as a conceptual and abstract component, has historically been criticized as obscure and self referential. The proliferation of data visualization in popular media today, however, allows us to engage a much larger audience in conversations about measurement and representation. The 32 drawings presented at Storefront unveil the challenges of representation and extrapolate them onto the architect’s table and the gallery walls. Storefront’s third iteration of the drawing show seeks to find measures, resist measurement, and measure the immeasurable by presenting drawings that range from the real to the fictional and from the functional to the symbolic. Measure positions the medium and the act of drawing as a process by which we seek coherence in data and representation, and shows that it is the making of facts that is the basis for the production of futurity beyond existing norms.
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