Conceptualising research and consultation within a creative doctorate

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
International Indigenous Development Research Conference Proceedings, 2015, pp. 16 - 23 (7)
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De Santolo Paper IRDC 2015.pdfPublished Version690.43 kB
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This paper shares insights into formulating a Doctorate of Creative Arts study within an emergent Indigenous communication paradigm. I assert that long-term consultation processes are a necessary precursor to accurately framing context for communication of Indigenous knowledge within an academic construct. By embedding sustainable communication practices within the consultation process I believe we manifest a more meaningful conceptualisation of research meaning. This resonates with our youth and a new generation of activism and scholarship. It speaks to the importance of seeking to harmonise knowledge pathways with localised lores, protocols and big- picture principles for research media.
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