Strength development in autoclaved blends made with OPC and clay-brick waste

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Construction and Building Materials, 2005, 19 (5), pp. 353 - 358
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This article reports findings on the strength development of autoclaved OPC-clay-brick blends, where a variety of clay-brick types were used. The strength variations are explained in terms of differences in chemical and mineralogical properties of clay-brick as well as the phases formed during autoclaving. An overall increase in strength was characteristic for 30-60 mass% for all clay-brick type additions. The optimum compressive strengths were achieved at 50 mass% clay-brick additions, where highly crystalline 1.1 nm tobermorite coexisted with "fibrous C-S-H". © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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