Learn to Work: Work to Learn Report

University of Technology Sydney
Publication Type:
University of Technology - Corrective Services NSW partnership project, 2015, pp. 1 - 46
Issue Date:
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The L2W-W2L initiative is an exciting development within CSNSW that further integrates and establishes the role of industry and education staff around the Justice Department’s vision for ‘a just and safe society’. This project report seeks to articulate the key components required to support the L2W-W2L initiative in three pilot industries sites. The document is the result of an extensive process of research, collaboration and refinement with CSNSW oversees, educators, inmate employees and managers. It draws on the experience and knowledge within the organization and in the broader literature to articulate key themes and strategies to establish the L2W-W2L initiative in the three pilot centre industries. These themes and strategies were further refined and endorsed by staff from each centre, and by CSNSW management, through a full day workshop and document review. This report includes an implementation framework building on the discussion in the workshop. Regardless of the quality of the strategies, the desired outcomes for the initiative are unlikely to be achieved without appropriate implementation planning and resourcing. With the current momentum and energy around the project, it is important that this planning and implementation of the project occurs is as soon as practicable to build on this progress
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