Transformations: From Social Media Campaign to Scholarly Paper

University of Akron Press
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Proceedings from the Document Academy, 2016, 3 (1 Special Issue: Neo-documentation Around the World: Rethinking Boundaries.)
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This paper takes up the challenge given at the 2015 meeting of the Document Academy to explore relationships between the conference paper being presented and the social media campaign on which it was based. Using Genette’s notion of transtextuality, through which he shows that all published texts are networked to other texts, and Frohmann’s argument that our understanding of a document and the justification of that understanding are to be found in the “the stories we tell”, the report of the exploration describes the way that the relationships between the two emerge from the links created between the content of the published paper and the content of the social media campaign and from the technology of online publishing; from the transformations of the social media campaign as it is incorporated into the scholarly work; and from the stories we tell directly and indirectly through our practices of scholarship.
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