Characterisation of the oxidation products of pyrite by thermogravimetric and evolved gas analysis

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2003, 72 (3), pp. 769 - 776
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Museum specimens of pyrite are known to undergo oxidation even during storage. Characterisation of the oxidation products is however not always simple due to amorphous character and varying degrees of hydration of the oxidation products, This paper presents an alternative approach to the characterisation of oxidation products by identifying their presence from their characteristic thermal decomposition processes using thermogravimetric and evolved gas analysis. Four pyrite specimens were characterised with varying degrees of oxidation. Iron(II) and iron(III) sulphates were also characterised for comparative purposes. The degradation products were observed to correlate well with the presence of iron(II) sulphate even though there was found to be some discrepancy in the higher temperature decomposition reactions.
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