Relaxation of protons in pores in a sandstone

American Chemical Society
Publication Type:
Journal Article
McCutcheon, A. et al. 2002 'Relaxation of protons in pores in a sandstone', Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 106, no. 11, pp. 2928-2932.
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Proton nuclear magnetic spin-spin relaxation time distributions (Tz distributions) for a water-saturated cylinder of sandstone (radius 6.5 cm and length 17.55 em) have been studied as a function of drying time. By freezing the sample to -13.7 °C, a proportionality constant of 38.8 f1s1nm was determined that can be used to relate pore size to Ti- The results show external water cannot enter some intermediate sized pores of 400 nm diameter; however, these pores are available to water that has been frozen and allowed to thaw. On drying from saturation, water loss commences immediately from pores of the order of 1000 nrn and greater and there is a lag period of 51 h before the smaller pores begin to drain. On freezing and then thawing, intermediate sized pores are filled because the large pores are blocked by ice.
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