A New Home for Commonwealth Law: A Proposal for CommonLII

Warwick University
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Information Law and Technology, 2004, 2004 (2), pp. 1 - 27
Issue Date:
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2006014200.pdf558.5 kB
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Eminent jurists have called for the development of a genuinely international common law which is more of a two way street than in the past. This paper examines the contribution that access to law via the Internet can make to realizing that goal. The World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII) is the largest free access source of legal information available on the Internet, providing access to over 400 databases of case law, legislation, treaties, law reform and law journals. This paper describes WorldLII's origins and operation as a cooperative venture of Legal Information Institutes (LIIs) from many countries, and outlines the advantages of the system.
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