An Evaluation of the BluePump in Kenya and The Gambia
- Publisher:
- Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS
- Publication Type:
- Report
- Citation:
- 2016
- Issue Date:
- 2016-12-12
Open Access
Copyright Clearance Process
- Recently Added
- In Progress
- Open Access
This item is open access.
This report presents the results of an evaluation of the Fairwater BluePump, an emerging rural water supply technology in sub-Saharan Africa. Claims about the BluePump’s durability and minimal maintenance requirements have provoked significant interest within the rural water sector. This evaluation set out to assess the suitability of the BluePump as a rural water supply technology, taking into account its operational performance, the experiences of water users, the views of local stakeholders, and the broader contextual factors that impinge upon its sustainability.
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