Euclidean representation of 3D electronic institutions: automatic generation

ACM Press
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2006, pp. 449 - 452
Issue Date:
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In this paper we present the 3D Electronic Institutions metaphor and show how it can be used for the specification of highly secure Virtual Worlds and how 3D Virtual Worlds can be automatically generated from this specification. To achieve the generation task we propose an algorithm for automatic transformation of the Performative Structure graph into a 3D Virtual World, using the rectangular dualization technique. The nodes of the initial graph are transformed into rooms, the connecting arcs between nodes determine which rooms have to be placed next to each other and define the positions of the doors connecting those rooms. The proposed algorithm is sufficiently general to be used for transforming any planar graph into a 3D Virtual World.
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