Creating a situated learning environment in the classroom for final year IT students

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the 28th International Business Information Management Association Conference - Vision 2020: Innovation Management, Development Sustainability, and Competitive Economic Growth, 2016, pp. 4540 - 4552
Issue Date:
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This paper reports on the efforts made to enhance the engagement of students in a final year undergraduate IT subject. Through the use of situated and scenario based learning, students undertake collaborative groupwork to produce industry-like outputs. Results from a series of student satisfaction surveys are discussed in relation to the subject from the aspects of situated learning and collaborative groupwork. The results, while limited to IT students, show that in general, student perceived the learning experience to be valuable through its alignment with industry practice. We also present reflections on engaging student with situated learning and collaboration from the perspective of a Subject Coordinator trying to improve graduate work-readiness within the existing curriculum.
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