But Wait, There's More...: A History Australia's Advertising Industry, 1900-2000

Melbourne University Press
Publication Type:
2008, 1
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It is something of a bizarre fact that at the end of the twentieth century an inordinate number ofAustralians could spell 'Goggomobil' an obscure German car from the 1950s. Stranger stillwas the inevitability that they would attempt to do it in a Scottish accent! Earlier generations of Australians would have likewise confounded international listeners with such comments as 'Let 'er rip, Boris', 'We're happy little Vegemites', or 'Mine tinkit they fit'. Such expressions, of course, were references to popular Australian advertisements. From 1900 to 2000, advertising not only succeeded in persuading generations ofAustralians to consume one brand over another, it also influenced their sense of identity-as individuals and as a collective whole. Yet, for all the attention that advertisements
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