A Historical Perspective on the Epistemological Evolution of Education for Occupational Licensing in the Construction Industry

Central Queensland University
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
40th Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA) 2016, 2016, 2016 (1), pp. 786 - 796
Issue Date:
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In New South Wales, Australia, there are prescribed educational requirements for occupational licensing within the built environment. An important consideration for the government in this regard is the underlying need to provide consumer protection. Therefore mandated occupational licensing and continuing professional development are key components within government policy. This research paper reviews the literature for continuing professional development within the built environment. Concurrently, data under the Home Building Act 1989, relating to enforcement and prosecutions during the last decade in New South Wales are examined and discussed. Issues such as the purpose and intent for education, complexity of skills required and industry experience and an appropriate course curriculum are embedded within the discussion. It is argued that whilst improved CPD requirements best serve the needs of the consumer and prescribed education should be maintained, there is also the consideration that consumer protection cannot be solely addressed though an educational curriculum. .
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