Case study: Technology-enhanced learning in High Possibility Classrooms in Australian schools

Publication Type:
Journal Article
SAGE Research Methods Cases, 2017
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Research conducted in the classrooms of exemplary teachers in Australian schools is published as a collection of case studies in a new book on technology-enhanced learning. Understanding what makes an effective case study for practitioners to reflect upon to change classroom teaching is important. In doctoral research that inspired the assemblage of case studies in the book, an additional process of cross-case analysis was used to bring participants together for deeper understanding of the study phenomena. An all-day workshop held at the conclusion of the data-gathering period allowed participants to not only meet each other for the first time, they also had opportunities to discuss, interpret, and analyze case summaries prepared by the researcher prior to writing the final case narratives. Carefully prepared case summaries add another layer of understanding to research findings, and it is necessary in organizing published exemplar case studies of teachers' pedagogical practices in schools. In this moment, participants in a study who often worked in isolation within their own contexts, reflected and drew comfort from understanding how other “tech-savvy teachers” worked in both similar and different ways when they finally came together in the workshop. This case study pays attention to the usual processes in case study methods but also demonstrates how validity and reliability in analysis using member-checks, software for staged coding, and a “collective member check” in the format of a day-long workshop supports building a rich picture of the phenomenon studied.
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