Simple models for the release kinetics of dissolved organic carbon from woody filtration media

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100 (9), pp. 2588 - 2593
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The mechanisms and kinetics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) release from woody materials (pine, hardwood and compost) under non-equilibrium leaching conditions was examined through batch and column tests. Mechanistically based kinetic models (first and second order) had a low predictive power for DOC release compared to those based solely on regression (Elovitch, power law). The DOC release data showed a bi-phasic response, with an early period of rapid release (<24 h) controlled by film diffusion followed by a slower rate controlled by intra-particle diffusion. After flow interruption, DOC release was primarily controlled by intra-particle diffusion; however, the specific rate parameters generally varied with each flow cycle and between different wood types. Crown Copyright © 2008.
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